This is a high-level roadmap that includes ongoing and future bounties. FISH rewards are transparently tracked and commonly have a six month linear vesting. We expect to continue decentralising this process to facilitate onboarding talent and expanding the protocol.

Anyone can participate in completing fish bounties or grants, but you should see it through to completion or risk losing out on opportunities in the future. Successful candidates evolve to become full-fledged members of the team with recurring rewards.

To participate in a bounty or grant, or to suggest additional tasks, fill the form to join a School of Fish and provide your input for the respective team's review. Note that the emoji used in available bounties indicates the expected effort/reward according to BabelFish's organization structure.

Production: Completed and live tasks.

In Progress: This task/bounty has already been claimed and is being delivered.

Bounty available: This is where you can help BabelFish - reach out to inquire!


